Breathwork Coach

Anna Klein

About Anna..

Anna comes from Cologne and is a yoga teacher, breathwork facilitator and stress management trainer. She is passionate about connecting people, with themselves and with others. Her journey into the world of breathing and yoga began twelve years ago when she lived on Fuerteventura for a few years. At the time, she was struggling with severe back pain and anxiety and often felt out of place in this world and in her body.

Her passion for surfing and working with her breath and body through yoga and pranayama brought her closer to herself again and more into peace and contentment.

In 2019, she successfully completed her two-year yoga training and has been teaching regular classes in Cologne ever since. Over the years, she became increasingly fascinated by the world of breath. She began to read studies and books about different breathing techniques and their benefits and practiced various breathing techniques herself on a daily basis. From Wim Hof and Buteyko to Psychedelic Breath and other pranayama exercises. She was most fascinated by working with the nervous system, as she realized how powerful the breath is in regulating the nervous system. In January 2024, she started her training as an integrative breath therapist.

Anna is also the mother of a four-year-old daughter, who already practices yoga diligently and breathes with her.

Specialization :

 500 RYT Yoga teacher, Stress management trainer, Scoliosis expert

Certifications :

500 RYT Yoga teacher license, Stress Management Trainer-license, M.Sc. Sport Science, Integrative Breathwork Therapist I.A.

Experience :

Teaching Yoga, Breathwork and meditation regularly for 7 years, practicing herself for over 10 years